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Facing the Internet: Class discussion on "Keep doing or giving up".       Ask any parent who is the busiest at home, and the answer would invariably be: the child, the kid who attends school. Heavy homework and a great variety of tutorial classes over the weekend once made life miserable for all pupils. Many parents and teachers know clearly that this study method is not conducive to the overall development of the kids. But, confronted with fierce competition for admissions to schools of a higher grade, they had to accept.
       For many years, education in primary, junior middle and senior middle schools in China is geared mainly toward making students successful candidates for schools of a higher grade. This is called examination-oriented education. Criteria for teaching quality are students' examination scores and the percentage of students winning admissions by schools of a higher grade. Examination-oriented education has the following characteristics: a dogmatic, rigid teaching method is used; teaching consists mainly in classroom cramming by the teacher; and the cultivation of student's thinking

ability, creativity and learning initiative is neglected. Primary and middle schools generally suffer from the following: too many courses to be learned, too many courses to be examined, too many course-related guidance materials, and too heavy a study burden on the students. According to a sample survey made by the State Statistical Bureau in August, 1998, primary and middle school students surveyed spent an average of Dancing class of a girls' middle school in Beijing.8.8 hours a day at school, one-third of them felt a shortage of sleep, two-thirds felt a heavy examination burden, and 56 percent said their schoolbags were "very heavy." Alleviating study burden for students, therefore, has become the most talked-about issue in elementary education reform.
       The existing examination method has also restricted the growth of a student's personality and the unleashing of his or her creative power. For example, standardized examinations are held in all schools because they are regarded as being scientific and accurate. But the singleness of answers in a standard examination conflicts with the characteristics of the
